Nicola Barton

This could be a long one as I sing the praises of BRIGHTE MAASAI ADVENTURES, but they are THAT good.

I’m going to preface this by saying this is my 3rd safari (1st in Kenya) so expectations were high. BRIGHTE MAASAI ADVENTURES absolutely blew me away.

From the first emails responding to my laundry list of questions (the team were replying at crazy hours in their timezone) all the way to Whats Ap messages days after our safari ended, these guys know what good communication is.

Upon arrival in Nairobi Dickson, James and Dennis ( all true Maasai warriors) met us to show us the car we’d call home for the next six days and go over everything (great for my travel partner as I had taken care of all the booking and planning with the guys). Then, with James and Dennis at the wheel, we took off the very next day.

I don’t think enough can be said about James’ depth of knowledge and skill. Hands down the best guide I’ve ever come across. Not only did he know the best spots for finding the animals, an avid photographer himself, James knew the best angles so I could take the most incredible shots of my life.

The thing that set this team apart, however, was their friendly warmth. The ever smiling Dennis and truly lovable James taught us so much about Kenya, the Maasai, the reserves and animals but in such away that we all felt like one happy quartet of friends. Each morning we were greeted with excitement from James and Dennis along with huge smiles and open arms.

All the while, Dickson would be in contact via what’s ap, making sure our dream vacation was living up to expectations. 100% it was.

We loved the ease of travelling to and exploring 3 different parks/ reserves ( Amboseli, Nakuru and Maasai Mara- James’ legit backyard) as well as the great accomodation ( ask to include Bella Camp:inside the Maasai Mara reserve as part of your accomodation wishes, but only if you enjoy falling to sleep to the sounds of lions roaring or eating breakfast beside sunbathing hippos).

Absolutely every detail was taken care of by BRIGHTE MAASAI ADVENTURES and every one of my requests – a trip to a Maasai Village, a boat ride on Lake Naivasha , a great pic of a giraffe drinking water were fulfilled…and then some.

Do yourself a favor and book your very reasonably priced safari with BRIGHTE MAASAI ADVENTURES, an outstanding operator that deserves 6 stars!

We miss you James, Dennis and Dickson.



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