Meet Our Expert Tour Guides

Embark on an extraordinary journey with our team of expert tour guides who are passionate about showcasing the best of Kenya’s wildlife, landscapes, and cultures. Each guide brings a unique blend of experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm, ensuring that your safari experience is not just a trip but a transformative adventure.

Alpha Nyerere

Alpha Nyerere

Dickson Kairong

Dickson Kairong

James Selel

James Selel

Alpha Nyerere - The Lion Tracker
With Alpha Nyerere as your guide, you'll delve into the world of lions like never before. His extensive experience in tracking these majestic predators in Kenya's national parks ensures thrilling encounters and deep insights into their behavior. Alpha's dedication to wildlife conservation and his storytelling prowess make every safari drive a memorable and educational experience.

Dickson Kairong - The Rhino Guardian and Cultural Interpreter
Dickson Kairong is not only a guardian of rhinos but also a cultural interpreter, offering a unique perspective on Kenya's diverse heritage. His expertise in rhino conservation is complemented by his passion for sharing the traditions and customs of local communities. With Dickson as your guide, you'll not only witness the wonders of wildlife but also immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Kenya.

James Selel - The Elephant Whisperer
James Selel's deep connection with elephants makes him the perfect guide for those eager to explore the world of these gentle giants. Known as "The Elephant Whisperer," James brings years of experience and a profound understanding of elephant behavior to every safari. His respect for wildlife and commitment to responsible tourism ensure that your elephant encounters are both enlightening and respectful.